Thursday, March 3, 2016

The development of advanced technology in the areas of cancer treatment in Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital:

On 02 March 2016, HE Dr. Mam Bun Heng Ministry invited officials inaugurated the official launch of the building Bunker Room and the Accelerator Force (6 M.V Linear) Hospital friendship Khmer-Soviet. During the ceremony this precious Excellency Prime Minister, said, meanwhile, the inauguration of the official launch of the building Bunker Room and the engine accelerator (6 M.V Linear), 
which is a machine for cancer treatment, modern 1 and has rights situation in Cambodia, I would urge all public hospitals must strive efforts to reinforce the capacity and operating their professionalism to rescue residents in a timely fashion despite all circumstances, and I would also like to appeal to our citizens all the check in public if there is a shortage, okay, please come and meet with the doctor or hospital director by talking to each other and among themselves to modesty, to be sure that we have any problems and we will respond facilitate assist them in every way to contribute in making the health sector make us better (Read the index that the original of the Minister offer comes with this).

Meanwhile, scientists Professor NGY Meng president of friendship Khmer-Soviet Hospital also mentioned that he would make every effort to strengthen and expand these capabilities and services to develop in accordance with the needs of the people to be better. Under the help and support of the leaders of Ministry of Health and the support budget from the Health Sector Support Program The second step (HSSP2) development partners and NGOs, hospitals receive a building Bunker Room and equipped with engines accelerator Forces (6 M.V Linear), which is a machine for treating cancer, the most recent 1 by radiation in Cambodia, which totaled 1 496 000 dollars and is powered by the company Neusoft Co. and Envisioning Co., Ltd beginning of 2015 and is filled definitively on 31 December 2015 with equipment sophisticated, this hospital is able to provide services more effective for people with cancer.

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